Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fire Userbar

Our age may be surely named the age of web with its immense opportunities amid which different social networks are to be found. You can pick up a great amount of stuff on the following forums as, for instance, avatars, glitter graphics, gifs and userbars. The latter are little images used in signatures. You may without any difficulties pick up such userbars in web. There are a great amount of resources offering them free of charge. To make the quests of userbars easier all of...

How to make your personal userbar

Author: Frederick Young

Our age can be definitely named the age of web with its enormous opportunities among which different social networks are to be searched out. You may search out a great amount of things on the above mentioned forums as, for instance, avatars, glitter graphics, gifs and userbars. The latter are little images applied in signatures. You can without any difficulties search out these userbars in web. There exist a great number of resources providing them gratis. To make the quests of userbars more simple all of them are organized into categories. You may pick up such Harry Potter Books Fan in the category Literature. Although supposing you have defeated to search out the desirable userbar there is a chance to make your exclusive custom userbar.

Inventing of a userbar starts from electing the style or the logo you want to use in your userbar. When you have chosen it you should go to Photoshop with the help of File->Open. After that click on Select->All, Edit->Copy Merged and next elect File->New, press ok and select Edit->Paste. After that you should evolve the picture from the background. You may without any complications fulfill it with the help of eraser tool. It can happen in such a way that you perhaps wish to modify something if the tool does not delete the background properly. In such case you should go on making efforts till you will not be satisfied with the results of the erasing. After that elect Select->All, Edit->Copy Merged, open a new picture by electing File->New, and elect ok and after that Edit -> Paste. It is recommended to store the picture by electing File->Save As and saving it as a psd. Provided you wish to alter the size of the picture you should select Image->Image Size and diminish the height to about 40 pixels. After that elect Go to Select->All, Edit->Copy Merged, File->New, modify the resolutions to 300 pixels (width) and 19 pixels (height) and select ok. Install the picture by electing Edit-Paste and then make a new layer by pressing Shift, Ctrl and N at the same time, enter "BG" and press ok. Shift the "BG" layer under the other layer by pushing the left button of the mouse, pull over the BG layer under the other layer. After that elect the Eyedropper Tool, select the color you fancy, push X.

After that elect the gradient tool. Supposing you can not look at it press the right button of the mouse on the color tool and choose the slope tool. Then press and pull over the cursor from the head of the picture to bottom. You should have a cute gradient at present.
Elect the layer comprising the style, make a new layer by pressing Shift, Ctrl and N at the same time, enter "lines" as its title and press ok. After that elect the color tool, choose "Pattern" and the diagonal lines. It is better to check up that the conditions are the same and press on the picture then. When the "lines layer" is selected decrease the opaqueness to about 13%.
As you can conclude the procedure of creating a userbar is not so simple, that is why it is much better to search out the desirable one in web as, for instance, such Fire Userbar.

Press the right button of the mouse on the layer enclosing the style in the layers window and elect Blending Options. Choose Outer Glow and install the conditions. After that download a pixel print and store it. After that elect the Horizontal Type Tool, enter the words at dimension of around 8 pixels. Then press the right button of the mouse on the words layer and elect Blending Options. Select "Stroke" and use the appropriate conditions. Elect the Elliptical Marquee Tool and pull over the cursor from the left corner to the right one under of your future userbar. Elect the layer with words and create a new layer with the help of Layer->New->Layer. Push D; choose Select->All, Edit Stroke. Store a psd by electing File->Save As and then store a png for usage on web with the help of File->Save For Web.
Well done! Be pleased with your beautiful excluxive userbar or just elect the desirable one as, for instance, such High Voltage in the net!

About the Author:

About the author:

In case you desire to make your signature modern and individual by downloading interesting userbars as, for instance, I Hate Emo, Piercing User or Sky Lover our site is at all times at your disposal. Go over to it and choose only the best from userbars!

Article Source: - How to make your personal userbar